Wednesday, September 1, 2021

mADu mEykkum KaNNA--- மாடு மேய்க்கும் கண்ணா


mADu mEykkum KaNNA--- மாடு மேய்க்கும் கண்ணா

rAgam: dEsh

Composer: Unknown


Background: The scene is a forest where KaNNan (with his friends) used to take the cows to graze. But lots of cowherd women seek him. KaNNan has the habit of deserting them all and going over to the seNbaka forest leaving the gOpis wonder where he is. The cows along with their calves are sad not seeing him or listening to his flute. The lyricist is enamored of the nAlAyira divya prabandham (known as Thamizh vEdam) and imagines that KaNNan desires to hear them recited.


மாடு மேய்க்கும் கண்ணா உனது மண்டலமெல்லாம் பெண்ணா?


மாடும் கன்றும் வாட கூடும் கோபியர் தேட

நாடி செண்பகவனம் நாடி நீ செல்வதென்ன?


பாடி பழைய வேதம் தேடி பின்னே வர

தேடி தமிழ் வேதத்தை நாடி நீ செல்வதென்ன?

கூடினாலே இன்பம் கூடினாலே தெரியும்

கோடி கோடி இன்பம் கோபாலனே வருவாய்


Lyrics in Roman script


MADu mEykkum kaNNA unadu maNDalamellAm peNNA?


mADum kanRum vADa kUDum gOpiyar tEDa

nADi seNbakavanam nADi nI selvadenna?


pADi pazhaiya vEdham tEDi pinnE vara

tEDi tamizh vEdattai nADi nI selvadenna?

kUDinAlE inbam kUDinAlE teriyum

kOTi kOTi inbam gOpAlanE varuvAy


Meaning: The lyricist wonders if KaNNan's universe is full of women while he is grazing cows. KaNNan has gone over to the seNbaka forest while the cow/calf are sad (not seeing him in their midst) and the gOpis are looking for him too. The old scriptures are following him but KaNNan is going in search of tamizh vEdam (nAlAyira divya prabhandam). If one encounters him there is immense pleasure. Hence the lyricist welcomes KaNNan.


Lyrics contributed by Chandra Sekar (personal communication) and   Kolappan Bagwathi (see the URL

Audio/video links

Listen to Madurai Somu sing this   here    and   here